Thursday, February 26, 2009


  • Obesity can be defined as when a person consumes more calories from food than he or she is able to burn.
  • Some may thought that several causes of obesity, such as genetics, medicines, or diseases." It is important to understand that these are not causes of obesity. Instead, they are known as influences or risk factors for obesity. These risk factors increase a person's chances for obesity, but they do not "guarantee" obesity.
  • Some of these obesity risk factors include:

    Environmental factors
    Social factors

Dissociative Identiti Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder)

  • Dissociative identity disorder (previously known as multiple personality disorder) is a fairly common effect of severe trauma during early childhood, usually extreme, repetitive physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse.
  • dissociative identity disorder is a severe form of dissociation, a mental process, which produces a lack of connection in a person's thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of identity.
  • Dissociative identity disorder is thought to stem from trauma experienced by the person with the disorder.
  • Understanding the development of multiple personalities is difficult, even for highly trained experts but dissociative identity disorder does exist. It is the most severe and chronic manifestation of the dissociative disorders that cause multiple personalities.
  • Dissociative identity disorder is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct or split identities or personality states that continually have power over the person's behavior.
  • With dissociative identity disorder, there's also an inability to recall key personal information that is too far-reaching to be explained as mere forgetfulness. With dissociative identity disorder, there are also highly distinct memory variations, which fluctuate with the person's split personality.
  • Symptoms:
    Mood swings
    Suicidal tendencies
    Sleep disorders ( insomnia, night terrors, and sleep walking)
    Anxiety, panic attacks, and phobias (flashbacks, reactions to stimuli or "triggers")
    Alcohol and drug abuse
    Taken from

Stress Management

  • Several studies have shown that low and middle level executives show many stress symptoms, like ulcers, high blood pressure, tension, burnout and so on.
  • Probably the main reason is that they are either naturally stress resistant or have learned how to handle the pressure without letting it eat them up. It's like the old saying, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen".
  • Most people can learn how to take the heat in their lives. Before we talk about how, let's consider what stress is in more detail. The way I think of it, stress is a "false alarm". What I mean is that it is the erroneous activation of the "danger alarm" system of the brain. I visualize it as a big red fire alarm inside the head. This is a system we are all born with and it is a good thing to have.
  • The biological purpose of this system is to help prepare us for dealing with real, physical danger. When the danger alarm is turned on, it produces a physiological response called the "fight or flight" reaction, which helps us to fight the danger or flee it.
  • When you are in real, immediate physical danger, it is appropriate to feel afraid. Getting your body charged up with adrenaline may well help to keep you alive. However, most of the time when we feel stressed, there is no immediate danger, so it is a false alarm. The fire alarm is sounding, but there is no fire!
  • Two main ways to manage stress:
    Learn how to turn off the alarm system through various relaxation methods.
    Learn how to not turn it on inadvertently in the first place.
  • ways to be realeks:
  • Deep breathing
  • Visualization
  • The best way to manage stress is to learn to change anxiety to concern. Concern means you are motivated to take care of real problems in your life, but your danger alarm system is not erroneously activated.
    Taken from

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Nice Attitude

Joy and Passion
- Finding something you love to do is a good start to increasing the moments of joy in your life, and your passion for living.
- You may or may not be able to change careers, but doing something you love even as a hobby brightens you up. You'll look forward to getting up in the morning, you'll feel more interested and alive, and other people will be drawn to your energy.

- People remember striking physical beauty, but people appreciate kindness.
- Stress is one of the killers of kindness: when we feel pressured, we tend to pull away from others in a misguided attempt to save ourselves from more pain.
- In fact, this protective measure is exactly the opposite of what we need to do to reduce stress. When you reach out to people, it invariably makes you feel good.
- Kindness can take so many forms; i.e: Letting someone in front of you at the supermarket is a small gift: so is taking a minute to talk to someone who's sad.
- Kindness is more than doing things for other people, though. When you're kind to someone, you are stretching a set of mental or spiritual muscles, growing your own capacity for compassion. It’s a no-lose proposition.

- Physical health is often expressed in glowing skin, bright eyes and a toned-up body.
-Mental health is an important component of physical health, because your mind and your body are inextricably linked.
- Your mental health rests on your ability to be happy, on your having harmonious relationships and on your capacity for creative self-expression.
- If you're dealing with anxiety, depression or relationship problems, your quality of life will suffer until something can be done to change what ails you.
- Making a commitment to your own peace of mind is the first step in changing your life for the better.
- A vital part of mental health, spiritual health is infrequently addressed by doctors and therapists. Ignoring your need for quiet, for peaceful meditation, for pondering life's mysteries depletes your consciousness and impacts your mental health by increasing stress.
- Taking the time to consider and meet your spiritual needs is an important part of keeping your overall health.

- It takes courage to keep plugging away at creating a meaningful life despite life's setbacks and intellectual red-herrings, working on your inner beauty takes some nerve.
- Courage (from the French word for "heart") means being willing take important risks. The risk is that inner beauty will, in the end matter more than outer beauty.

Reduce Stress with Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Stress detracts from beauty, causing lines and wrinkles, prematurely graying hair, baggy eyes from insomnia and all sorts of illnesses. If you haven’t already given in to the aromatherapy craze, you may decide to go for it to achieve a little synaptic peace of mind, without the antidepressants (more about antidepressants later). Aromatherapy is based on the science of scent, and permeating your nostrils with a chemical that sort of smells like lavender is not the same as using the real, essential oil.

Using Essential Oils
Essential oils are extracted from plants either by using steam of by dissolving the oils out using solvents, then evaporating the solvents. What’s left behind is the soul of the plant –the essence without the physical form. Romantic, isn’t it!

Stress-Free Mornings By Waking Up to Relaxing Aromatherapy
Do you like the sounds of birdsong or ocean waves? How about the scent of lavender, to calm or energize your morning and provide the day's first pick-me-up? Natural, soothing sounds can wake you gently instead of an alarm blasting you out of bed. Aromatherapy scents with flowers and herbs, set up the expectation that maybe the world can be a beautiful place—even before your morning coffee.

The way you start your morning tends to color your experiences of the day. There's no law that says your moment of waking should be stressful: don't you get enough stress in the daytime? Try a gradual awakening; soft sounds and a glowing light that grows gradually and a sweet, natural scent. Imagine that: starting your day with an experience that wakes you up-- without freaking you out.
See how you can wake-up stress free and gradually to soothing light, soft sounds and relaxing aromatherapy.

Rules of Aromatherapy Blends
The first rule of aromatherapy is to know yourself. The part of the brain responsible for olfaction (sense of smell) is partly surrounded by the part of the brain that handles long-term memory, and is also part of the limbic system, which handles emotion. The central position of your olfactory sense is why when you smell something you smelled as a child, it will often bring a flood of memories and emotions with it. That’s why scent is a highly individual thing.
Aroma researchers have found that in general, men like the smell of vanilla and the smell of lavender. That’s no reason to choose either scents as a perfume, though: men are also crazy about the smell of pizza! Most people love the smell of something sweet baking, and one do-it-yourself aromatherapy is to bake a loaf of bread.
Some years ago, psychology researchers found that piping the smell of the ocean in to the air significantly helped people feel less depressed

Aromatherapy Product Information
If you have allergies or asthma, chemical-based aromatherapy may be fraught with danger. Synthetic scents are derived from chemical compounds, many of which can cause strong allergic reactions such as wheezing, coughing, hives and itching or even nausea and vomiting. Don't fall into the trap of believing that, just because a product claims to be aromatherapy-based, it's automatically good for you.
Many people have allergic reactions to perfectly natural products. If you have allergies, make sure you read the back of any product you're considering before shelling out money for something that may make you sick.
Avoid scents that bring back unhappy memories or that make you feel heavy and sleepy (unless you’re using aroma for insomnia).

Stress Reduction and Relief

Stress Reduction Secrets
• Anyone can overcome worry or nervousness and learn how to start coping and dealing with stress in positive and effective ways. These tips are useful stress reduction secrets that can help you get your life under control, getting you back on the road to relaxation and happiness.

Squeezing in Time to Relax
• Finding time for relaxation and stress relief can often be just another source of stress in our busy everyday lives. Meditation and yoga are known to be surefire stress busters when you work them into your daily routine.
• For those women that are too busy to find time during the day to meditate, stretch, or relax the mind and body, there are now online classes and courses designed with the busy woman in mind.
• The convenience of being able to enjoy the benefits of meditation and yoga from home, work, or travel, and at any time of the day means that there is no excuse for finding the time to rejuvenate your body and spirit.

Is this a convenient time for you to relax and rejuvenate?

Exercise & Meditation for Stress Free Life
• The best way to reduce stress in your life is by exercising. Yes, not only does exercise help you stay healthy and look great, but it also encourages your body to produce natural stress-relieving hormones.
• Relaxation holistic exercises including yoga and mediation are the perfect solutions for those wanting to be stress-free and stay healthy.

Work place Choices to Reduce Anxiety
• Bringing work home is a big mistake. If you aren’t required to work at home, there is no reason to bring work from the office to your house.
• Many people find it difficult to set time boundaries when it comes to their job, and thus find themselves working non-stop at the office and at home.
• Choose to set stopping times and stick to them. Remember, while work is important, it can certainly wait until the morning.

Healing Diet & Eating Habits
• Studies now show a person’s diet can directly affect their behavior.
• Proper eating habits can do wonders for your stress level. Not only will you look and feel better, but when you properly fuel your body, you’ll have more energy to get things done.
• Your life will be efficient and ultimately less stressful. Eliminating refined sugar, caffeine and un-whole wheat is a terrific way to begin your new stress-free life plan.

Healing Workshops & Stress Reduction Clinics
• You may want to bond over stress-relief concepts. If so, sign up for a local healing workshop. These classes are offered all around the world and can provide you with wonderful methods of controlling stress. You can often find information on them at your local health clinic.

Useful Stress Relief Devices
• If you’re the type of person that tends to get a bit aggressive when you get overwhelmed, think about purchasing a squeeze reliever.
• These squishy balls are perfect to take your aggression out on when you’re feeling as if you need a time out.
• Although the concept seems quite juvenile, you’ll be shocked to notice how great it feels to squeeze one when you’re feeling out of control.

Natural Herbal Stress Management
• But, if you are under a normal amount of stress and are otherwise healthy you may want to forgo the chemicals and stick with herbal assistance.

Benefits of Vitamin C

Vitamin C Gives Cosmetic and Skin Benefits; Find Natural Sources For Best Protection From Wrinkles and Photo damage

• This anti aging vitamin has been studied and confirmed as being an extremely effective addition to skin care routines.
• When antioxidant Vitamin C is added to your skin, it helps your skin get rid of free radicals. Since free radicals can greatly damage your skin, the use of Vitamin C is vital to your skin health!
• In addition, Vitamin C can help your body rev up its production of collagen.

Beauty Benefits of Vitamin C
• On a beauty note, adding Vitamin C to your skin care routine can help you look great on many levels.
• The topical use of Vitamin C revitalizes your skin, allowing for improvement in the tone and texture! You will instantly look younger with smooth and silky skin on your face and body.
• It works to protect you against UVB rays and can help you combat sun damage, wrinkles and photo damage.

Effective Topical Products with Vitamin C For Skin Care
• Derivatives like ascorbyl palmitate and ascorbic acid are commonly used, because they are less irritating than Vitamin C itself.
• Those with sensitive skin can still reap the protection and natural benefits of Vitamin C, without any irritation.

Beneficial Vitamin C in Cosmetics
• When you start your venture for Vitamin C induced skin care products, there are a few things to remember. First, remember there are many claims being made from various companies on their skin care products. To find the best products with Vitamin C, be sure to look at the color of the product. Those products with a yellow or brown tint should be avoided. Vitamin C often turns these colors when exposed to air and thus becomes ineffective in creating collagen and elastic.

Vitamin C Offers Cosmetic Benefits
• Using a daily Vitamin C product can help you repair and prep your skin everyday. You can get products which include Vitamin C derivatives (L-ascorbic acid and others) for use at home.
• Therefore, you can continuously reap the benefits of Vitamin C, without heading to the spa.

Skin Care Techniques

Here are a few techniques for you to employ to ensure you have the best skin possible, so your face is remembered in the best way.
• The biggest thing to do when caring for your skin is to have a regular routine. Your routine needs to include washing and moisturizing as the foundations.
• You can add more to your routine if needed, but all routines need to include at least washing and moisturizing.
• You also need to remember that you should wash and moisturize at least twice a day. You would want to repeat your routine multiple times a day if you work a particularly sweaty job, if your skin is particularly oily, or if you go swimming anytime during the day.
• You need to find the right skin care products for your skin. Determine your skin type and then go shopping for products based on that information. If you have dry skin, shop for products aimed at treating dry skin, and the same goes for oily skin or normal skin.
• One technique you might want to try out is exfoliation. These are exfoliating techniques that are always good to try out, and exfoliating products that make it easy. The best way to exfoliate your skin is simply to use a scrub along with your cleanser. The scrub will work to clean out your pores and rid your skin of oils and toxins. If you choose to exfoliate, you shouldn't do it anymore than once a day.
• You may also want to try out a toner. Toner works to tone out your skin, and remove any dirt and oil the soap may not have picked up. Choose your toner carefully so you don't dry up your skin; also, you may not want to use toner twice a day or even every day. Use it as needed.
• You should always moisturize, because that will keep your skin from drying out after washing it. It would be wise to find a moisturizer that also contains SPF for the protection of your skin. Don't over moisturize, or else you'll find your skin becoming more oily, and that's something you definitely don't want.
You need to remember that most of skin care techniques are guidelines, and you need to know your skin in order to treat your skin. Sometimes your skin may need more exfoliation, sometimes more moisturizer, sometimes more cleansing. Once you come to know your skin better, you'll be able to most effectively treat it.

Natural Skin Care

Your skin is something that everyone sees—you can't hide it. Your skin is a part of who you are physically, and it's fragile. You need to take care of your skin; nurture it, clean it, take care of it, treat it with gentleness and concern. Your skin has the ability to glow and shine, or it can serve as a detriment to your physical person. You are largely in control of which direction your skin goes.Because you'll have your skin for the entirety of your life, you want to make sure you're giving it the best care you can. Some people define "the best care" as natural care, care without synthetic material, care that comes from the earth to your skin, keeping it pure and clean. If natural skin care is the way for you to go, then here are a few tips to get your started:
• Natural skin care is simple and effective. One of the things you'll want to try is doing a dry brush exfoliation on your skin. This will succeed in removing the dead skin cells from your skin and also the dirt, oils, and toxins from your pores. Exfoliation works to keep your skin free from harmful materials that come from the air, your hands, and other sources; this also works to help prevent blemishes from developing on your skin.
• Natural skin care goes beyond the surface skin and involves the rest of your body. If you want beautiful skin, then you need to treat the rest of your body well. Developing a healthy diet is essential to creating beautiful skin; if you eat poorly, that will be reflected in the quality and condition of your skin. You need to make sure that you drink enough water and that you get enough fiber from your diet. You also should consider adding the following to your diet: whole grains, apples, cauliflower, high-fiber snacks, prune smoothies, beans, legumes, and flaxseed. You'll want to avoid excess sugar and take in healthy fats.
• Exercise is also great for your skin. Getting up and moving improves your circulation, which is needed if you want to successfully care for your skin in a natural way. The sweat from exercising also works to remove toxins and dirt from your pores, leaving your skin glowing and healthy.
Natural skin care doesn't involve just your skin, but rather it involves your entire body. One aspect affects the other, and not only will you have naturally beautiful skin, but you'll also be able to enjoy a healthy and fit body!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Single Mother story..

Having a baby is in no way a small decision. It is a life-altering monumental one, whether you choose to become a mother with or without a partner. If you plan to go it alone ladies, take heed from a woman who has done just that-with five children.I became a single mother by circumstance, not by choice. I was married for over twelve years to the same man and was blessed with five amazing, beautiful, sons. My last two, (identical twin boys), are now eight. My oldest son is 14. There are two more in-between, and all-in-all I’d say I’ve managed pretty well thus far, (only by the grace of God), but I have definitely floated far, far away from the shores of sanity in the process.
I saw signs early-on that my marriage was headed for doom. After doing all I could to salvage any shred of matrimonial harmony that might have endured- (to no avail), I dove headfirst into motherhood and haven’t come up for air yet. I tried with every breath of my being to be the best mother I could be because of all the excess love in my heart.
In retrospect, and with great truthfulness, I admit I was hiding behind the façade of motherhood-which might, in theory, explain why I was blessed with so many children and why I persevered at being a devoted mom. If I were good at motherhood, then I wasn’t a failure- even if my marriage was. Still, I did not give birth to my kids to fill a “void.” I did not use my children to make amends for a marriage gone awry. I loved them obsessively from the moment I laid eyes on each of them and wanted to give them all the extra love I had but couldn’t express anywhere else. If anything, I wanted to fill their voids, and as the years passed, it seemed I did a lot of overcompensating for hurts dealt to them by others, and I quickly became quite adept at filling almost all of their voids. But there were always one or two trenches I could never fill for them, no matter how much love I shoveled in.
At first, single motherhood took some getting used to. As freeing as it were to be away from an emotionally and financially unhealthy situation, it was equally overwhelming to have five mouths to feed on my own while juggling freelance work, a move into a new home, (which was very tiny) in a new neighborhood, registering at new schools for the kids, (three to be exact) and making new friends for both my kids and myself. It was also an exhausting, and seemingly unfeasible role I had to fulfill-given the fact that I still had two in diapers two graduating from pull-ups, and one child somewhat independent in that area. I honestly felt I had no room for failure when it came to mothering. I realize now, that was unrealistic.
I have learned that there are inescapable truths to single motherhood. You will unquestionably lose yourself for long periods of time- sometimes years-forgetting things such as the type of music you enjoy, what foods you like to eat or what movies you used to enjoy. Some days you will have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning because your mind is kaput and you just don’t see how you’ll get through another day of complete chaos and care giving. You’ll have trouble choosing an outfit to wear because it will all seem so trite by comparison to the massive responsibility bestowed upon you-whether by circumstance or by choice.
You will lose friends, and in losing those so-called “friends”, you will learn without a doubt who your true friends really are. And that will be one of the most reassuring and enlightening moments of your entire life as a single mother.
Some people won’t be able to hack the fact that your life is a mess at best, which will undoubtedly hurt, but you will continue with sheer determination to exist within your strange new life because now, you exist for a far superior purpose- your children.
In my experience, what you really have to be concerned about above all when raising kids as a single mom (particularly with boys as they get older), is society’s influence over your kids. The damaging jabs society will deliver to your kids- in an unintentional attempt to destroy all your hard work- can be a real blow to your psyche not to mention your child’s.
Let’s face it single moms, society can be harsh and unkind- particularly when there is no male role model to slam on the brakes. Many kids will be mean and insensitive, and some-physically aggressive. That is a fact of life. Just look at the bullying statistics-(there are countless websites and organizations dedicated to helping victims of bullying).
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1 out of every 4 kids is a victim of bullying. And get this, (for those moms who think their little Johnny never does anything wrong) - every 7 minutes a child is bullied on the playground.
Millions of today’s kids are being raised by the school systems, day care centers, and facilities catering to single working moms. This isn’t helping the bullying epidemic. The school staff, etc. are the surrogate parents of modern-day kids and are not trained in anti-bullying tactics.. Many of these so called “child-care” centers have little vested interest in the kids- namely teens, they are paid to watch, (except the interest to avoid liability suits). Some staff members have never had kids of their own. How on earth could a woman without kids ever remotely understand the plight of single moms or any mom for that matter?
My advice to women considering motherhood without a partner is this- before you plan to have that baby, make sure you are not masterminding your escape back to the office while simultaneously peeing on your home pregnancy test stick.
Why become a single mother at all if you are already yearning for the day when you slip into those business suits and race to your office cubicle-minutes before you’ve farmed your kid out to the day care center. (Whether that day care center is top-notch, convenient, cozy, or Ivy League equivalent is not the point- your child is away from you 8—10 hours each day).
Day care workers may love your child, but not the way you would. And any kid may turn out to be a statistic- the kind society turns out on a routine basis. Morals and values and love are the ultimate keys to a good foundation when raising decent, confident, happy children. If you must work, as most single mothers do, be creative and find a way to be with your child for more than two hours in the evening- or better yet don’t have a child at all until you have figured out what will be best for the child you plan to have.
Having a baby might make you feel complete, but that shouldn't be your basis for having one. True, there is that proverbial biological clock. But if you use that as an reason to join the ranks of the ten million single moms struggling in America today, you’re in for a rude awakening.Wake up ladies-it’s not about you. It’s not about fitting in or needing to feel like a woman, or having a “trophy” baby and a Prada diaper bag to show off to the hip moms at “Mommy & Me.” If that’s what you’re aiming for, you’re barking up the wrong family tree.
Thankfully, most single moms by choice know that you must sacrifice, make life altering changes, hand wash 15 blouses each week that are splattered with projectile vomit, (look it up neophytes). You must know what a DPT shot is. You must be prepared for anything and everything. You must be proficient in multi-tasking or you are dead in the water.
If you’ve reached that point where you’ve arrived at a formal affair dressed to the nines, with baby in tow, and suddenly realize you’re wearing your bra on the outside of your evening gown- and then realize-you don’t care one iota, Congratulations. You have graduated to motherhood and can handle anything with grace and indifference.
A baby is not meant to fill your voids. A baby will let you know, without fail, that without you in his life, his life would be one great big void. So ditch the idea that your baby will compensate for feelings of emptiness in your own life-it will never happen. A baby is good company, (when he isn’t screaming non-stop), and naturally you’ll form a special bond, but you can never rely on that baby or child to complete you. It’s all about sacrifices, love, and making absolute certain you do all you can to fill your child with all the love his heart can hold.
Nothing should take precedence over your child. Nothing.